Internal name of the FTP site X:\outgoing\project\soil\GlobalSoilMap External name of the FTP site: some files are zipped with .7z (A Windows zipping program) A. Spatial data according to GlobalSoilMap specifications (3 arc-second in Geographic, registered to the SRTM). Map unit keys (integer version): mukeyint L:\soil\SSURGO\sdm20151120.FY2016\conus_mosaic_3as\mukeyint_SaS_3as.tif and related .tif.aux.xml and tif.ovr Status map showing where SSURGO data are used (0 zero) or STATSGO2 data are used (1 one). L:\soil\SSURGO\sdm20151120.FY2016\conus_mosaic_3as\status_SaS_3as.tif and related .tif.aux.xml and tif.ovr B. Copied preliminary version of pictures of the maps: no legend ECEC is not complete because does not include the CEC where ECEC is not defined. L:\soil\SSURGO\sdm20151120.FY2016\SaS_CONUS_31_results_back_from_FTP\20161109162320_GSM\20161109162320_GSM.pdf C. Copy of poster presented at the 21st World Congress of Soil Science (21WCSS) in Rio de Janeiro in August, 2018 (Rio18) C:\Users\b\D Drive\Papers\180116.IUSS.WCSS21.RioDeJaneiro\Bliss Poster VisID.pdf rename to 21WCSS Rio18 Bliss Poster VisID.pdf D. The most recent version of the full database, as of June 6, 2018. A compressed version of the ESRI file geodatabase. L:\soil\SSURGO\sdm20151120.FY2016\SaS_CONUS_34LRH_gdb\GSM_34LRH_20180606094754.gdb.7z and a header file for these data T_GSM_20180606094754_header2.csv E. A spreadsheet with result of the pseudo-observation method for calculating uncertainty, as applied to SOC. Subsequent versions in .xlsx were used to create the plots for the poster (not posted to the FTP site). Use the pseudo-observation method to calculate low and high values for SOC which define the prediction interval at the 90% confidence level. Also show the values at the 95% confidence level. This has not yet been computed for all variables. L:\soil\SSURGO\sdm20151120.FY2016\SaS_CONUS_34LRH_results\mapunit_34LRH_mu_co_d_mukeyint_with_soc_data.csv, zipped and posted as mapunit_34LRH_mu_co_d_mukeyint_with_soc_data.7z F. Spreadsheets comparing area and project scale, used in poster Figure 10. L:\soil\SSURGO\sdm20151120.FY2016\SaS_CONUS_34LRH_results\count_30m_km2_projectscale_d_mukeyint_SaS.csv L:\soil\SSURGO\sdm20151120.FY2016\SaS_CONUS_34LRH_results\km2_projectscale_some_soc_data_d_mukeyint_SaS.csv .xlsx derived from these used in the poster, but not posted G. A zip file of the binary version of the results including the low-of-the-low (_ll) and high-of-the-high (_hh) uncertainty measures for all variables and the pseudo_observation method for SOC. This binary file and its associated header2.csv file are in my own data format, and not likely to be useful for other users. However, it represents the most recent full run (7/27/2018). L:\soil\SSURGO\sdm20151120.FY2016\SaS_CONUS_34LRH_results\mapunit_34LRH_mu_co_d_mukeyint_bin_header2.csv L:\soil\SSURGO\sdm20151120.FY2016\SaS_CONUS_34LRH_results\mapunit_34LRH_mu_co_d_mukeyint_bin.7z H. A version of the metadata. Note that this doesn't exactly match the other datasets that are posted. L:\soil\SSURGO\sdm20151120.FY2016\SaS_CONUS_34LRH_metadata\T_GSM_20180430162220_metadata.xml