Starting work order on host L8SRLIAP01 Tue Jul 2 10:38:37 CDT 2019 DMS Setup Work Order (DSW) Running in processing instance: Collection1 Using software version: 13.1.0 Bin directory: /home/scm/ops/ias_13_1_0/bin 2019-07-02 10:38:37 setup_work_order 21480 setup_work_order.c 92 INFO Initiated 2019-07-02 10:38:37 setup_work_order 21480 read_l0r_metadata.c 87 INFO Reading L0R metadata from l0r_symlink/LC80180172015218LGN03 2019-07-02 10:38:39 setup_work_order 21480 setup_work_order.c 564 INFO Successful completion setup_work_order execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:38:39 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:38:40 CDT 2019 Ancillary Data Preprocessor (ADP) 2019-07-02 10:38:40 ancillary_data_preprocessor 21496 ancillary_data_preprocessor.c 100 INFO Initiated 2019-07-02 10:38:40 ancillary_data_preprocessor 21496 ias_ancillary_smooth_ephemeris.c 172 INFO L0R ephemeris record count = 989 2019-07-02 10:38:40 ancillary_data_preprocessor 21496 ias_ancillary_identify_quaternion_outliers.c 268 INFO Number of attitude quaternion points 49450 2019-07-02 10:38:40 ancillary_data_preprocessor 21496 ias_ancillary_convert_imu_to_acs.c 350 INFO Bounds on IMU time 492148613.899201, 492149602.872061 2019-07-02 10:38:40 ancillary_data_preprocessor 21496 ias_ancillary_extract_valid_imu_data_window.c 60 INFO Ephemeris times --- start 492148614.900065, end 492149602.900065 -> center 492149108.900065 2019-07-02 10:38:41 ancillary_data_preprocessor 21496 ancillary_data_preprocessor.c 232 INFO Successful completion ancillary_data_preprocessor execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:38:41 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:38:41 CDT 2019 Dump Estimated TIRS SSM Positions 2019-07-02 10:38:41 21505 72 INFO Getting estimated TIRS SSM positions for the time period 2015:211:0 to 2015:225:86399 2019-07-02 10:38:41 21505 106 INFO Esimated SSM positions successfully retrieved dump_estimated_tirs_ssm_positions execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:38:41 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:38:41 CDT 2019 SKIP_STRAY_LIGHT_FOR_OLI 2019-07-02 10:38:41 21511 95 INFO The sensor is OLITIRS, so not skipping the processing steps completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:38:41 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:38:41 CDT 2019 Create Line of Sight Model Initialization (L8_GHOST_IMAGE) 2019-07-02 10:38:41 create_los_model 21521 create_los_model.c 76 INFO Create LOS Model started 2019-07-02 10:38:42 create_los_model 21521 create_los_model.c 271 INFO Create LOS Model finished create_los_model execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:38:42 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:38:42 CDT 2019 Create Level 1R (L8RPS_GHOST_IMAGE) 2019-07-02 10:38:42 create_l1r 21528 rps_main.c 71 INFO Initiated create_l1r 2019-07-02 10:38:44 create_l1r 21528 process_scas.c 46 INFO Processing band 10 2019-07-02 10:38:44 create_l1r 21528 process_scas.c 46 INFO Processing band 11 2019-07-02 10:38:45 create_l1r 21528 rps_main.c 264 INFO Successful completion create_l1r execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:38:45 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:38:45 CDT 2019 Create Ghost Image Grid (L8GRID_GHOST_IMAGE) 2019-07-02 10:38:45 create_grid 21560 create_grid.c 173 INFO Initiate Create Grid... 2019-07-02 10:38:45 create_grid 21560 create_grid.c 283 INFO Elevation range 0.00 0.00 2019-07-02 10:38:45 create_grid 21560 get_frame_minbox.c 187 INFO 197000.000000 563000.000000 6538000.000000 7098000.000000 2019-07-02 10:38:45 create_grid 21560 build_grid.c 258 INFO Processing band number 10 2019-07-02 10:38:45 create_grid 21560 build_grid.c 258 INFO Processing band number 11 2019-07-02 10:38:48 create_grid 21560 build_grid.c 92 INFO Writing grid band number 10 2019-07-02 10:38:51 create_grid 21560 build_grid.c 92 INFO Writing grid band number 11 2019-07-02 10:38:51 create_grid 21560 create_grid.c 885 INFO Writing output grid file headers 2019-07-02 10:38:51 create_grid 21560 create_grid.c 945 INFO Successful completion create_ot_grid execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:38:51 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:38:51 CDT 2019 L8 Resample Ghost Image (L8RESAMPLE_GHOST_IMAGE) 2019-07-02 10:38:51 Resample 21627 resample.c 115 INFO Initiated 2019-07-02 10:38:51 Resample 21627 process_band.c 83 INFO Resampling band number 10 2019-07-02 10:38:52 Resample 21627 process_band.c 83 INFO Resampling band number 11 2019-07-02 10:38:53 Resample 21627 resample.c 789 INFO Successful Completion otresample execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:38:53 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:38:53 CDT 2019 CREATE_TIRS_GHOST_IMAGE 2019-07-02 10:38:53 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 read_parameters.c 177 INFO Using source radiance image ghost_image_l1g.h5 2019-07-02 10:38:53 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 read_parameters.c 201 INFO Using TIRS stray light vectors from /iasDATA/ops/collection1/proddata/sysdata/stray_light_vectors/tirs_stray_light_vectors.csv 2019-07-02 10:38:53 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 read_parameters.c 226 INFO Using TIRS radiance coefficients from /iasDATA/ops/collection1/proddata/sysdata/stray_light_vectors/TIRS_radiance_coefficients.csv 2019-07-02 10:38:53 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 read_l0r_metadata.c 43 INFO Reading L0R metadata from l0r_symlink/LC80180172015218LGN03 2019-07-02 10:38:53 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 144 INFO Reading stray light optics vector data 2019-07-02 10:38:53 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 154 INFO Reading LOS model 2019-07-02 10:38:53 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 242 INFO Skipping band number 1 2019-07-02 10:38:53 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 242 INFO Skipping band number 2 2019-07-02 10:38:53 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 242 INFO Skipping band number 3 2019-07-02 10:38:53 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 242 INFO Skipping band number 4 2019-07-02 10:38:53 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 242 INFO Skipping band number 5 2019-07-02 10:38:53 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 242 INFO Skipping band number 6 2019-07-02 10:38:53 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 242 INFO Skipping band number 7 2019-07-02 10:38:53 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 242 INFO Skipping band number 8 2019-07-02 10:38:53 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 242 INFO Skipping band number 9 2019-07-02 10:38:53 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 265 INFO Reading radiance source image for band number 10 2019-07-02 10:38:54 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 296 INFO Blurring the input image using a kernel size of 60 2019-07-02 10:38:55 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 351 INFO Finding bounding box 2019-07-02 10:38:56 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 390 INFO Creating grid 2019-07-02 10:38:56 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 472 INFO Sampling band number 10, SCA number 1 2019-07-02 10:38:56 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 sample_stray_light.c 331 INFO Creating output image line 0 of 2701 2019-07-02 10:38:58 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 sample_stray_light.c 331 INFO Creating output image line 1000 of 2701 2019-07-02 10:38:59 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 sample_stray_light.c 331 INFO Creating output image line 2000 of 2701 2019-07-02 10:39:01 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 472 INFO Sampling band number 10, SCA number 2 2019-07-02 10:39:01 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 sample_stray_light.c 331 INFO Creating output image line 0 of 2701 2019-07-02 10:39:06 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 sample_stray_light.c 331 INFO Creating output image line 1000 of 2701 2019-07-02 10:39:11 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 sample_stray_light.c 331 INFO Creating output image line 2000 of 2701 2019-07-02 10:39:14 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 472 INFO Sampling band number 10, SCA number 3 2019-07-02 10:39:14 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 sample_stray_light.c 331 INFO Creating output image line 0 of 2701 2019-07-02 10:39:16 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 sample_stray_light.c 331 INFO Creating output image line 1000 of 2701 2019-07-02 10:39:17 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 sample_stray_light.c 331 INFO Creating output image line 2000 of 2701 2019-07-02 10:39:19 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 265 INFO Reading radiance source image for band number 11 2019-07-02 10:39:19 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 296 INFO Blurring the input image using a kernel size of 60 2019-07-02 10:39:20 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 351 INFO Finding bounding box 2019-07-02 10:39:21 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 390 INFO Creating grid 2019-07-02 10:39:21 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 472 INFO Sampling band number 11, SCA number 1 2019-07-02 10:39:21 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 sample_stray_light.c 331 INFO Creating output image line 0 of 2701 2019-07-02 10:39:24 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 sample_stray_light.c 331 INFO Creating output image line 1000 of 2701 2019-07-02 10:39:26 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 sample_stray_light.c 331 INFO Creating output image line 2000 of 2701 2019-07-02 10:39:28 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 472 INFO Sampling band number 11, SCA number 2 2019-07-02 10:39:28 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 sample_stray_light.c 331 INFO Creating output image line 0 of 2701 2019-07-02 10:39:35 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 sample_stray_light.c 331 INFO Creating output image line 1000 of 2701 2019-07-02 10:39:42 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 sample_stray_light.c 331 INFO Creating output image line 2000 of 2701 2019-07-02 10:39:47 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 472 INFO Sampling band number 11, SCA number 3 2019-07-02 10:39:47 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 sample_stray_light.c 331 INFO Creating output image line 0 of 2701 2019-07-02 10:39:49 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 sample_stray_light.c 331 INFO Creating output image line 1000 of 2701 2019-07-02 10:39:51 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 sample_stray_light.c 331 INFO Creating output image line 2000 of 2701 2019-07-02 10:39:53 Create TIRS Ghost Image 21643 create_tirs_ghost_image.c 661 INFO Finished create_tirs_ghost_image execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:39:53 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:39:53 CDT 2019 DMS Ground Control (DGC) 2019-07-02 10:39:53 22004 233 INFO Starting GCP retrieval 2019-07-02 10:39:54 22004 606 INFO Retrieving chip # 100 2019-07-02 10:39:54 22004 606 INFO Retrieving chip # 200 2019-07-02 10:39:55 22004 606 INFO Retrieving chip # 300 2019-07-02 10:39:55 22004 606 INFO Retrieving chip # 400 2019-07-02 10:39:55 22004 606 INFO Retrieving chip # 500 2019-07-02 10:39:55 22004 606 INFO Retrieving chip # 600 2019-07-02 10:39:55 22004 606 INFO Retrieving chip # 700 2019-07-02 10:39:55 22004 606 INFO Retrieving chip # 800 2019-07-02 10:39:55 22004 734 INFO Retrieved a total of 857 chips 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 GCPresample.c 62 INFO Initiated 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 125 INFO Using OMF metadata for parameters 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170004_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170005_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170011_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170019_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170025_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170042_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170043_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170044_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170046_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170057_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170061_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170068_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170072_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170075_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170079_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170080_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170081_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170084_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170090_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170092_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170093_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170097_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170104_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170105_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170111_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170121_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170124_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170131_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170133_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170139_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170142_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170143_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170146_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170148_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170149_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170152_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170153_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170155_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170156_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170157_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170159_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170161_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170163_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170165_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170169_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170175_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170176_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170177_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170178_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170186_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170187_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170191_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170194_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170198_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170199_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170208_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170211_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170220_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170221_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170224_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170225_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170227_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170237_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170238_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170242_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170248_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170249_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170252_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170254_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170262_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170265_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170267_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170271_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170276_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170277_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170280_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170281_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170283_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170286_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170288_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170290_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170292_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170293_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170294_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170301_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170320_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170325_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170328_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170329_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170330_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170331_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170336_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170339_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170342_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170346_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170350_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170353_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170359_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170360_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170361_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170362_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170366_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170369_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170372_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170373_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170375_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170377_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170383_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170385_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170386_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170388_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170390_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170391_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170394_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170397_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170399_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170401_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170402_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170403_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170404_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170408_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170410_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170411_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170414_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170415_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170417_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170419_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170420_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170422_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170429_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170431_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170432_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170437_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170443_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190170446_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180005_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180030_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180040_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180057_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180077_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180096_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180108_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180150_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180198_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180212_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180233_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180248_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180252_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180282_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180284_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180302_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180316_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180319_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180320_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180323_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180324_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180330_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180335_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180336_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180348_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180362_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180402_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180405_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180407_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180408_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180414_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180415_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180417_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180421_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180424_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180442_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180446_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180448_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180450_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180453_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180454_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0190180455_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0200180021_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0200180405_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0200180410_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 273 INFO Zones mismatch, resampling 0200180422_01 from 18 to 19 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 384 INFO Writing updated GCPLib file to gcp_lib/GCPLib 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 resample_gcps.c 440 INFO GCP Resampling complete 2019-07-02 10:39:56 gcpresample 22010 GCPresample.c 74 INFO Successful completion 2019-07-02 10:39:56 22004 802 INFO GCP retrieval completed successfully. execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:39:56 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:39:56 CDT 2019 Create Line of Sight Model Initialization (L8INIT) 2019-07-02 10:39:56 create_los_model 22019 create_los_model.c 76 INFO Create LOS Model started 2019-07-02 10:39:57 create_los_model 22019 create_los_model.c 271 INFO Create LOS Model finished create_los_model execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:39:57 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:39:57 CDT 2019 Create Level 1R (L8RPS) 2019-07-02 10:39:57 create_l1r 22026 ias_misc_initialize_report_header.c 263 WARN Invalid scene count 3 in scene metadata of L0R file l0r_symlink/LC80180172015218LGN03. Report header will not contain any specific scene metadata. 2019-07-02 10:39:57 create_l1r 22026 rps_main.c 71 INFO Initiated create_l1r 2019-07-02 10:40:00 create_l1r 22026 process_scas.c 46 INFO Processing band 1 2019-07-02 10:40:13 create_l1r 22026 process_scas.c 46 INFO Processing band 2 2019-07-02 10:40:16 create_l1r 22026 process_scas.c 46 INFO Processing band 3 2019-07-02 10:40:19 create_l1r 22026 process_scas.c 46 INFO Processing band 4 2019-07-02 10:40:22 create_l1r 22026 process_scas.c 46 INFO Processing band 5 2019-07-02 10:40:25 create_l1r 22026 process_scas.c 46 INFO Processing band 6 2019-07-02 10:40:29 create_l1r 22026 process_scas.c 46 INFO Processing band 7 2019-07-02 10:40:33 create_l1r 22026 process_scas.c 46 INFO Processing band 8 2019-07-02 10:40:46 create_l1r 22026 process_scas.c 46 INFO Processing band 9 2019-07-02 10:40:49 create_l1r 22026 process_scas.c 46 INFO Processing band 10 2019-07-02 10:40:49 create_l1r 22026 process_scas.c 46 INFO Processing band 11 2019-07-02 10:40:50 create_l1r 22026 rps_main.c 264 INFO Successful completion create_l1r execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:40:50 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:40:51 CDT 2019 DMS Retrieve Elevation (DRE) 2019-07-02 10:40:51 retrieve_elevation 22256 get_gls_data.c 82 INFO Mosaicing GLS DEM tiles... 2019-07-02 10:40:51 retrieve_elevation 22256 load_gls.c 78 WARN Reading cell header file /iasDATA/ops/collection1/proddata/dem//gls/n63w075.hdr 2019-07-02 10:40:51 retrieve_elevation 22256 load_gls.c 98 WARN Tile n63w075.hdr not found -- could be a 'water' tile 2019-07-02 10:40:51 retrieve_elevation 22256 load_gls.c 78 WARN Reading cell header file /iasDATA/ops/collection1/proddata/dem//gls/n61w069.hdr 2019-07-02 10:40:51 retrieve_elevation 22256 load_gls.c 98 WARN Tile n61w069.hdr not found -- could be a 'water' tile 2019-07-02 10:40:52 retrieve_elevation 22256 retrieve_elevation.c 416 INFO DEM data retrieval successfully completed. retrieve_elevation execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:40:52 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:40:52 CDT 2019 Create Systematic Grid (L8GRID_SYS) 2019-07-02 10:40:53 create_grid 22269 create_grid.c 173 INFO Initiate Create Grid... 2019-07-02 10:40:53 create_grid 22269 create_grid.c 283 INFO Elevation range -25.00 786.00 2019-07-02 10:40:53 create_grid 22269 build_grid.c 258 INFO Processing band number 6 2019-07-02 10:40:54 create_grid 22269 build_grid.c 92 INFO Writing grid band number 6 2019-07-02 10:40:54 create_grid 22269 create_grid.c 885 INFO Writing output grid file headers 2019-07-02 10:40:54 create_grid 22269 create_grid.c 945 INFO Successful completion create_ot_grid execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:40:54 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:40:55 CDT 2019 Make the Geometric Terrain Grid (GRID_TERRAIN) 2019-07-02 10:40:55 Makegeomgrid 22284 make_geom_grid.c 100 INFO Initiated 2019-07-02 10:40:55 Makegeomgrid 22284 make_geom_grid.c 189 INFO Using band number 6 from the TARGET_FRAME_FILE 2019-07-02 10:40:55 Makegeomgrid 22284 make_geom_grid.c 607 INFO Successful Completion makegeomgrid execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:40:55 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:40:55 CDT 2019 Geometric Terrain Resample (RESAMPLE_TERRAIN) 2019-07-02 10:40:55 Geomresample 22291 geomresample.c 93 INFO Geometric Resample Initiated 2019-07-02 10:40:55 Geomresample 22291 geomresample.c 112 INFO Reading Grid 2019-07-02 10:40:55 Geomresample 22291 geomresample.c 219 INFO Resampling band 1 2019-07-02 10:40:55 Geomresample 22291 scanman.c 250 INFO resampling lines 3662 through 4462 2019-07-02 10:40:55 Geomresample 22291 scanman.c 250 INFO resampling lines 3022 through 3822 2019-07-02 10:40:55 Geomresample 22291 scanman.c 250 INFO resampling lines 2382 through 3182 2019-07-02 10:40:55 Geomresample 22291 scanman.c 250 INFO resampling lines 1742 through 2542 2019-07-02 10:40:55 Geomresample 22291 scanman.c 250 INFO resampling lines 1102 through 1902 2019-07-02 10:40:55 Geomresample 22291 scanman.c 250 INFO resampling lines 462 through 1262 2019-07-02 10:40:56 Geomresample 22291 scanman.c 250 INFO resampling lines 0 through 622 2019-07-02 10:40:56 Geomresample 22291 geomresample.c 330 INFO Geometric Resample Successful Completion geomresample execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:40:56 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:40:56 CDT 2019 Systematic L8 Resample (L8RESAMPLE_SYS) 2019-07-02 10:40:56 Resample 22305 resample.c 115 INFO Initiated 2019-07-02 10:40:56 Resample 22305 process_band.c 83 INFO Resampling band number 6 2019-07-02 10:41:04 Resample 22305 resample.c 789 INFO Successful Completion otresample execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:41:04 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:41:04 CDT 2019 L8 GCP Correlation for Precision (L8PRECISION_GCP) 2019-07-02 10:41:04 gcpcorrelate 22347 GCPcorrelate.c 84 INFO Initiated 2019-07-02 10:41:04 gcpcorrelate 22347 GCPcorrelate.c 87 INFO Reading gcp_lib/GCPLib 2019-07-02 10:41:04 gcpcorrelate 22347 GCPcorrelate.c 101 INFO Read 857 GCPs 2019-07-02 10:41:04 gcpcorrelate 22347 process_gcp.c 236 INFO Processing 1 SCA(s) in image sys_l1g.h5 2019-07-02 10:41:04 gcpcorrelate 22347 process_gcp.c 369 INFO Using image chips from gcp_lib/image_chips.tar 2019-07-02 10:41:04 gcpcorrelate 22347 process_gcp.c 424 INFO Correlating GCP # 0 to SCA 0 2019-07-02 10:41:04 gcpcorrelate 22347 process_gcp.c 424 INFO Correlating GCP # 85 to SCA 0 2019-07-02 10:41:04 gcpcorrelate 22347 process_gcp.c 424 INFO Correlating GCP # 170 to SCA 0 2019-07-02 10:41:04 gcpcorrelate 22347 process_gcp.c 424 INFO Correlating GCP # 255 to SCA 0 2019-07-02 10:41:04 gcpcorrelate 22347 process_gcp.c 424 INFO Correlating GCP # 340 to SCA 0 2019-07-02 10:41:04 gcpcorrelate 22347 process_gcp.c 424 INFO Correlating GCP # 425 to SCA 0 2019-07-02 10:41:04 gcpcorrelate 22347 process_gcp.c 424 INFO Correlating GCP # 510 to SCA 0 2019-07-02 10:41:04 gcpcorrelate 22347 process_gcp.c 424 INFO Correlating GCP # 595 to SCA 0 2019-07-02 10:41:04 gcpcorrelate 22347 process_gcp.c 424 INFO Correlating GCP # 680 to SCA 0 2019-07-02 10:41:04 gcpcorrelate 22347 process_gcp.c 424 INFO Correlating GCP # 765 to SCA 0 2019-07-02 10:41:04 gcpcorrelate 22347 process_gcp.c 424 INFO Correlating GCP # 850 to SCA 0 2019-07-02 10:41:04 gcpcorrelate 22347 process_gcp.c 681 INFO Points inside image 344, Number used 641, Last used 0 2019-07-02 10:41:04 gcpcorrelate 22347 process_gcp.c 746 INFO 333 of 857 points correlated 2019-07-02 10:41:04 gcpcorrelate 22347 GCPcorrelate.c 136 INFO Successful completion gcpcorrelate execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:41:04 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:41:04 CDT 2019 L8 Precision Correction (L8PRECISION_SOLVE) 2019-07-02 10:41:04 correct_los_model 22362 correct_los_model.c 116 INFO Initiated correct_los_model 2019-07-02 10:41:05 correct_los_model 22362 correct_los_model.c 298 INFO Finished getting satellite time and position 2019-07-02 10:41:05 correct_los_model 22362 correct_los_model.c 369 INFO Finished calculating the precision corrections 2019-07-02 10:41:05 correct_los_model 22362 correct_los_model.c 402 INFO Pre-fit RMS residuals: X = 8.574 meters Y = 7.791 meters 2019-07-02 10:41:05 correct_los_model 22362 correct_los_model.c 405 INFO Post-fit RMS residuals: X = 4.928 meters Y = 3.844 meters 2019-07-02 10:41:05 correct_los_model 22362 correct_los_model.c 409 INFO GCP Outlier Percentage: 3.60 percent 2019-07-02 10:41:05 correct_los_model 22362 correct_los_model.c 544 INFO Successful completion correct_los_model exection completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:41:05 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:41:05 CDT 2019 Geodetic Accuracy Characterization (GEODETIC) 2019-07-02 10:41:05 geodetic 22370 geodetic_char.c 89 INFO Geodetic Accuracy Assessment initiated 2019-07-02 10:41:06 geodetic 22370 geodetic_char.c 225 INFO Writing data to database 2019-07-02 10:41:06 geodetic 22370 geodetic_char.c 235 INFO Successful Completion geodetic execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:41:06 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:41:06 CDT 2019 Create Grid for Precision (L8GRID_PREC) 2019-07-02 10:41:06 create_grid 22377 create_grid.c 173 INFO Initiate Create Grid... 2019-07-02 10:41:06 create_grid 22377 create_grid.c 283 INFO Elevation range -25.00 786.00 2019-07-02 10:41:06 create_grid 22377 get_frame_minbox.c 187 INFO 257100.000000 507000.000000 6691500.000000 6943500.000000 2019-07-02 10:41:06 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 258 INFO Processing band number 1 2019-07-02 10:41:07 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 258 INFO Processing band number 2 2019-07-02 10:41:07 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 92 INFO Writing grid band number 1 2019-07-02 10:41:08 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 258 INFO Processing band number 3 2019-07-02 10:41:09 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 92 INFO Writing grid band number 2 2019-07-02 10:41:10 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 258 INFO Processing band number 4 2019-07-02 10:41:10 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 92 INFO Writing grid band number 3 2019-07-02 10:41:11 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 258 INFO Processing band number 5 2019-07-02 10:41:11 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 92 INFO Writing grid band number 4 2019-07-02 10:41:12 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 258 INFO Processing band number 6 2019-07-02 10:41:12 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 92 INFO Writing grid band number 5 2019-07-02 10:41:14 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 258 INFO Processing band number 7 2019-07-02 10:41:14 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 92 INFO Writing grid band number 6 2019-07-02 10:41:15 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 258 INFO Processing band number 8 2019-07-02 10:41:15 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 92 INFO Writing grid band number 7 2019-07-02 10:41:16 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 258 INFO Processing band number 9 2019-07-02 10:41:17 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 92 INFO Writing grid band number 8 2019-07-02 10:41:18 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 258 INFO Processing band number 10 2019-07-02 10:41:18 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 258 INFO Processing band number 11 2019-07-02 10:41:18 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 92 INFO Writing grid band number 9 2019-07-02 10:41:19 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 92 INFO Writing grid band number 10 2019-07-02 10:41:20 create_grid 22377 build_grid.c 92 INFO Writing grid band number 11 2019-07-02 10:41:20 create_grid 22377 create_grid.c 885 INFO Writing output grid file headers 2019-07-02 10:41:20 create_grid 22377 create_grid.c 945 INFO Successful completion create_ot_grid execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:41:20 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:41:21 CDT 2019 Grid Terrain Second Pass (GRID_TERRAIN_PASS2) 2019-07-02 10:41:21 Makegeomgrid 22425 make_geom_grid.c 100 INFO Initiated 2019-07-02 10:41:21 Makegeomgrid 22425 make_geom_grid.c 189 INFO Using band number 1 from the TARGET_FRAME_FILE 2019-07-02 10:41:21 Makegeomgrid 22425 make_geom_grid.c 607 INFO Successful Completion makegeomgrid execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:41:21 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:41:21 CDT 2019 Resample Terrain Second Pass (RESAMPLE_TERRAIN_PASS2) 2019-07-02 10:41:21 Geomresample 22432 geomresample.c 93 INFO Geometric Resample Initiated 2019-07-02 10:41:21 Geomresample 22432 geomresample.c 112 INFO Reading Grid 2019-07-02 10:41:21 Geomresample 22432 geomresample.c 219 INFO Resampling band 1 2019-07-02 10:41:21 Geomresample 22432 scanman.c 250 INFO resampling lines 3662 through 4462 2019-07-02 10:41:21 Geomresample 22432 scanman.c 250 INFO resampling lines 3022 through 3822 2019-07-02 10:41:21 Geomresample 22432 scanman.c 250 INFO resampling lines 2382 through 3182 2019-07-02 10:41:21 Geomresample 22432 scanman.c 250 INFO resampling lines 1742 through 2542 2019-07-02 10:41:21 Geomresample 22432 scanman.c 250 INFO resampling lines 1102 through 1902 2019-07-02 10:41:21 Geomresample 22432 scanman.c 250 INFO resampling lines 462 through 1262 2019-07-02 10:41:21 Geomresample 22432 scanman.c 250 INFO resampling lines 0 through 622 2019-07-02 10:41:21 Geomresample 22432 geomresample.c 330 INFO Geometric Resample Successful Completion geomresample execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:41:21 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:41:22 CDT 2019 L8 Resample Precision (L8RESAMPLE_PREC) 2019-07-02 10:41:22 Resample 22444 resample.c 115 INFO Initiated 2019-07-02 10:41:22 Resample 22444 process_band.c 83 INFO Resampling band number 1 2019-07-02 10:41:29 Resample 22444 process_band.c 83 INFO Resampling band number 2 2019-07-02 10:41:35 Resample 22444 process_band.c 83 INFO Resampling band number 3 2019-07-02 10:41:42 Resample 22444 process_band.c 83 INFO Resampling band number 4 2019-07-02 10:41:49 Resample 22444 process_band.c 83 INFO Resampling band number 5 2019-07-02 10:41:55 Resample 22444 process_band.c 83 INFO Resampling band number 6 2019-07-02 10:42:02 Resample 22444 process_band.c 83 INFO Resampling band number 7 2019-07-02 10:42:08 Resample 22444 process_band.c 83 INFO Resampling band number 8 2019-07-02 10:42:35 Resample 22444 process_band.c 83 INFO Resampling band number 9 2019-07-02 10:42:41 Resample 22444 process_band.c 83 INFO Resampling band number 10 2019-07-02 10:42:47 Resample 22444 process_band.c 83 INFO Resampling band number 11 2019-07-02 10:42:52 Resample 22444 resample.c 789 INFO Successful Completion otresample execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:42:52 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:42:53 CDT 2019 DMS Format and Package (DFP) 2019-07-02 10:42:53 format_and_package 22854 format_and_package.c 340 INFO DMS Format & Package started 2019-07-02 10:42:53 format_and_package 22854 convert_band.c 92 INFO Converting band 1 2019-07-02 10:42:53 format_and_package 22854 convert_band.c 92 INFO Converting band 2 2019-07-02 10:42:53 format_and_package 22854 convert_band.c 92 INFO Converting band 3 2019-07-02 10:42:53 format_and_package 22854 convert_band.c 92 INFO Converting band 4 2019-07-02 10:42:53 format_and_package 22854 convert_band.c 92 INFO Converting band 5 2019-07-02 10:42:54 format_and_package 22854 convert_band.c 92 INFO Converting band 6 2019-07-02 10:42:54 format_and_package 22854 convert_band.c 92 INFO Converting band 7 2019-07-02 10:42:54 format_and_package 22854 convert_band.c 92 INFO Converting band 8 2019-07-02 10:42:55 format_and_package 22854 convert_band.c 92 INFO Converting band 9 2019-07-02 10:42:55 format_and_package 22854 convert_band.c 92 INFO Converting band 10 2019-07-02 10:42:55 format_and_package 22854 convert_band.c 92 INFO Converting band 11 2019-07-02 10:42:55 format_and_package 22854 write_metadata.c 1784 INFO Creating the L1G metadata file 2019-07-02 10:42:55 format_and_package 22854 format_and_package.c 786 INFO Successful completion of DMS Format & Package format_and_package execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:42:55 CDT 2019 Tue Jul 2 10:42:56 CDT 2019 DMS Set Characterization Valid flags (DSC) 2019-07-02 10:42:56 SCV 22864 104 INFO Starting /home/scm/ops/ias_13_1_0/bin/ for WORK_ORDER_ID: I267120 2019-07-02 10:42:56 SCV 22864 496 INFO Updated VALID field to 'Y' for key (4246887) in table GEOMETRIC_WORK_ORDER_COMMON. 2019-07-02 10:42:56 SCV 22864 496 INFO Updated VALID field to 'N' for key (4246886) in table GEOMETRIC_WORK_ORDER_COMMON. 2019-07-02 10:42:56 SCV 22864 496 INFO Updated VALID field to 'N' for key (4684615) in table RADIOMETRIC_WORK_ORDER_COMMON. 2019-07-02 10:42:56 SCV 22864 175 INFO Successful completion execution completed with status of 0 Tue Jul 2 10:42:56 CDT 2019