Supplemental Information: Date of Metadata: April 25, 2005 Fire Atlas Name: Mesa Verde Agency: National Park Service Land Management Unit: National Park Names and Dates of Fires with dNBR assessment: Name Date Rocky Springs ?/?/1972 Moccasin Mesa 7/10/1972 Long Mesa 7/8/1989 dNBR Chapin 5 8/17/1996 dNBR Bircher 7/20/2000 dNBR Pony 8/2/2000 dNBR Long Mesa 7/29/2002 dNBR Balcony House 7/15/2003 dNBR Landsat scenes: Path/Row, Date, Satellite: Path/Row Date Satellite Sensor 38/34 6/6/73 L1 MSS 38/34 6/16/78 L3 MSS 35/34 7/6/84 L5 TM 35/34 6/18/89 L5 TM 35/34 6/21/90 L5 TM 35/34 6/5/96 L5 TM 35/34 6/24/97 L5 TM 35/34 9/26/99 L7 ETM 35/34 5/23/00 L7 ETM 35/34 7/26/00 L7 ETM 35/34 9/12/00 L7 ETM 35/34 6/11/01 L7 ETM 35/34 6/6/02 L5 TM 35/34 6/30/02 L7 ETM 35/34 7/16/02 L7 ETM 35/34 8/17/02 L7 ETM 35/34 6/25/03 L5 TM 35/34 5/24/03 L5 TM 35/34 7/27/03 L5 TM 35/34 5/26/04 L5 TM Output Dataset Projection: UTM Zone 12 Datum NAD83 Spheroid GRS80 Image Subset and dNBR Format: Geo-TIFF Vector Format: Shape File Satellite Image subset list (At-Satellite Reflectance): l1_jun0673 (4 bands) l3_jun1678 (4 bands) l5_jul0684 (6 bands) l5_jun1889 (6 bands) l5_jun2190 (6 bands) l5_jun0596 (6 bands) l5-jun2497 (6 bands) l7_sep2699 (6 bands) l7_may2300 (6 bands) l7_jul2600 (6 bands) l7_sep1200 (6 bands) l7_jun1101 (6 bands) l5_jun0602 (6 bands) l7_jun3002 (6 bands) l7_jul1602 (6 bands) l7_aug1702 (6 bands) l5_may2403 (6 bands) l5_jun2503 (6 bands) l5_jul2703 (6 bands) l5_may2604 (6 bands) Differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) image list (Geo-TIFFS). The one year extended assessments were used to derive the acres of burn severity and land cover categories as reported in the .xls file. The other dNBRs provided as supplemental datasets : jun1889-jun2190d (1 year extended assessment for Long Mesa 1989 fire) jun1889-jun0596d jun1889-jun2497d jun0596-jun2497d (1 year extended assessment for Chapin 1996 fire) jun0596-may2300d sep2699-sep1200d may2300-jun1101d (1 year extended assessment for Bircher & Pony 2000 fires) may2300-jun0602d may2300-may2403d (1 year extended assessment for Long Mesa 2002 fire) may2300-may2604d jun3002-jun2503d jul1602-aug1702d may2403-may2604d (1 year extended assessment for Balcony House 2003 fire) Other Images: nlcd92_utm (National Land cover Dataset 1992) dem_10m (digital eleveation model 10 meter resolution) Image subset Corner Coordinates (center of upper left pixel, projection meters) ULX 712440 LRX 735520 ULY 4138260 LRY 4112970 Image subset sizes: Thematic Mapper- #Rows: 844 #Columns: 837 Pixel size: 30 meters Multispectral Scanner- #Rows: 423 #columns: 419 Pixel Size: 60 meters Digital Elevation Model- #Rows: 2530 #Columns: 2509 Pixel Size: 10 meters Nominal Bounding Box: North Lat: 37 22 01 N South Lat: 37 07 59 N East Long: 108 19 07 W West Long: 108 36 30 W Fire Perimeters (shape files): BalconyHouse03 LongMesa02 Bircher00 Pony00 Chapin96 LongMesa89 MoccasinMesa72 RockSprings72 Morefield59 Wildhorse34 Tabular Data: A compilation of acres burned within each fire assessed with the dNBR. Each fire was assessed for the number of acres burned with each burn severity / land cover category. meve_lc_dnbr.xls