Supplemental Fire Metadata Fire Information MTBS Fire ID: NPS-IMROAZGCP-063-20070719 Duplicate MTBS Fire IDs: AZ-GCP-063-20070719 Fire Name (if known): ROOSEVELT WFU Date of Fire: July 19, 2007 State: Arizona Agency: NPS MTBS Mapping Zone: Southwest Geographic Area: Southwest HUC4 Catalog Unit: 15010001 Type of Assessment: Extended Acres within Fire Perimeter: 5354.1 Required spatial adjustment for co-registration of pre-fire NBR to post-fire NBR X-shift adjustment: 0 meters (relative to post-fire NBR) Y-shift adjustment: 0 meters (relative to post-fire NBR) Landsat Path and Row: 37/35 Pre-Fire Landsat Date/Scene ID: Landsat 7 ETM+; June 28, 2002 / 7037035000217910 Post-Fire Landsat Date/Scene ID: Landsat 5 TM; June 20, 2008 / 5037035000817250 Output Dataset Projection Albers Equal Area Units: Meters Datum: NAD83 Spheroid: GRS80 1st Standard Parallel: 29 30 00 2nd Standard Parallel: 45 30 00 Central Meridian: -96 00 00 Latitude of Origin: 23 00 00 False Northing: 0 False Easting: 0 Image Subset Corner Coordinates (center of pixel, projected meters) ULX: -1421850 ULY: 1584420 LRX: -1409250 LRY: 1571040 Rows: 447 Columns: 421 Pixel size: 30 meters Bounding Box North Latitude: 36.21235 (36 12 44.47625072) South Latitude: 36.14699 (36 08 49.147407505) East Longitude: -111.92353 (-111 55 24.7238823576) West Longitude: -111.99278 (-111 59 33.9949733964) Latitude and Longitude within Fire Perimeter Latitude: 36.181408 (36 10 53.0688) Longitude: -111.953987 (-111 57 14.3532) Fire Perimeter Generation Method: Manual dNBR offset value used to calculate RdNBR: 53 Burn severity thresholds No Data Threshold: -970 Increased Greeness: -150 Low Threshold: 100 Moderate Threshold: 291 High Threshold: 525 Product List: NPS-IMROAZGCP-063-20070719_pre_refl.tif Subset of Landsat scene used for pre-fire image (Bands 1-5, 7; Unsigned 8-bit GeoTIFF) NPS-IMROAZGCP-063-20070719_post_refl.tif Subset of Landsat scene used for post-fire image (Bands 1-5, 7; Unsigned 8-bit GeoTIFF) NPS-IMROAZGCP-063-20070719_d.tif dNBR used for burn severity analysis and mapping; subset to the fire area (Signed 16-bit GeoTIFF) NPS-IMROAZGCP-063-20070719_dt.tif Thematic dNBR; Derived by thresholding dNBR subset (8-bit GeoTIFF) NPS-IMROAZGCP-063-20070719_rd.tif Relative dNBR; subset to the fire area (Signed 16-bit GeoTIFF) NPS-IMROAZGCP-063-20070719.shp Perimeter of detectable fire area derived from satellite imagery (ESRI shapefile) NPS-IMROAZGCP-063-20070719_cldshdw.shp Mask for clouds, shadow, snow or anomallies intersecting fire area (ESRI shapefile) d3735_20020628_3735_20080620.tif dNBR for full Landsat scene (path/row: 37/35) Processing Comments: