This metadata will be replaced with FGDC formatted metadata as soon as it is available. Supplemental Information: Fire Name: West Sage Creek Agency: NPS Land Management Unit: Badlands National Park Date of Fire: October 28, 2001 Type of assessment: Extended Acres within Fire Perimeter: 3710 Landsat Path and Row: 32/30 Pre-Fire Landsat Date/ Scene ID: June 03, 2000 / LE7032030000015550 Post-Fire Landsat Date/ Scene ID: June 09, 2002 / LE7032030000216050 Output Dataset Projection: UTM Zone 13 Datum NAD83 Spheroid GRS80 Image subset Corner Coordinate (center of upper left pixel, projection meters) ULX 698166 LRX 745056 ULY 4876432 LRY 4836082 Image subset size: #Rows 1346 #Columns 1564 Pixel size: 30 meters Bounding Box: North Lat: 44 00 51 N South Lat: 43 38 15 N East Long: 101 56 36 W West Long: 102 32 34 W Latitude and Longitude within Fire Perimeter Lat: 43 51 23 N Long: 102 25 27 W Fire Perimeter: Manually digitized from Post fire TM image For further information on NLAPS and Landsat TM data, please refer to the metadata documentation found on the USGS Clearinghouse website at: Product List wesa01b_pretm.tif Pre-Fire Landsat data subset (bands 1-5,7 geotiff) wesa01b_postm.tif Post-Fire Landsat data subset (bands 1-5,7 Geo-TIFF) wesa01b_dnbr Differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (DNBR) subset (Arc/Info Grid) wesa01b_pi Fire Perimeter (shape file) dnbrb_32-30 Full Scene DNBR (Arc/Info Grids)